Local Resources

Check out what's nearby our Venue

Our Local Maps Resources is dedicated to all your local needs when planning your wedding or event in Downtown Asheville.

Booking hotels for your event? All of the hotels on the map below are within walking distance to our event space.

As most of you know who have been to Asheville, parking can be a challenge, so scroll down and use our parking map. These are the best parking choices for downtown and includes some hidden gems.

Last but not least, everyone’s favorite, the breweries. We do try to keep the brew map current but it is expanding all the time.

Hotels within walking distance to
Céline and Company’s Downtown Venue “The Hideaway”



Parking choices close to Céline & Company “The Hideaway”



Our guide to the Asheville Area Breweries



If you have any other questions, contact us here. Need more of an overview of Asheville? Try Explore Asheville.